This blog has been primarily a source for all things Nerdlinger-related, and what's more Nerdy and complex than fucked up Politics? Just a quick rant against the racist and illegitement Anti-Immigration law that was just passed Arizona, which would require all Arizona Police Officers to stop, question and determine the immigration status of any supposed "mexican person" they see walking down the street. I don't even know where to start bashing this insane legistlation! We must do everything in our power to help sway the state to outlaw the bill! Fortunately, public outcry has been so great, there are already massive lawsuits and protests underway around the country including strategies for Boycotting the entire State of Arizona. We must put pressure on the state government to show that this type of ignorance and intolerance is not acceptable. I have many friends in Arizona and my heart goes out to all of them who will have to unfairly defend themselves against ignorant Police interrogations until this is settled.
By now everyone must be somewhat familiar or suspicious of my massive Twin Peaks obsession. Its my comfort show. Im a nerd for most everything David Lynch, but Twin Peaks holds a special place for me. I've sat through the seasons a billion goddamn times and it keeps getting better every time I see it! I know it by and love it with all my heart. Perhaps this means there will have to be a full Peaks blog entry to come in the near future... Anyway, being a complete nerd myself is it any surprise that one of my favorite names in Hip Hop is MC CHRIS? Ive been a fan of his for years and even saw him when he came up to a sparsely attended show at a crappy brewery up here in the north coast. Well now there are two reasons to celebrate.
1. ON April 1st. MC CHRIS added a song to his website. Its a full on tribute to Twin Peaks. I don't think I need to elaborate on how long I've wanted this to happen and how excited I am. Not his greatest song, but definitely up there for me. Amazing!
2. MC CHRIS has just released a new full length record MC CHRIS GOES TO HELL, which continues the sketches and themes from his last album MC CHRIS IS DEAD. HELL actually compiles three short EPs that were previously released as PART 6 part 1, 2 and 3 (666 get it), plus some extras. As with all MC CHRIS albums, the lyrics remain very clever and solid throughout, but what always makes or brakes the songs, for me personally, are the beats and the music. The production has definitely changed since his the days of Fettes Vett and now take on a smoother more club/dance vibe, vocal tuner in full effect and these are the songs I like surprisingly. Or they go the exact opposite direction with glitched out computer distorted beats that don't really work for me. And like all his albums, there are some songs that are good but not great, and then there are the sparkly diamonds that make every MC CHRIS record worth owning. Plus the sketches on the album are almost better than the music. They are obviously improvised and extremely hilarious. In short, even though I already own PART 6 Parts 1 2 and 3 already, Im going to get this record for the few extra songs, all of which Im sure will be entertaining, but one or two of which Im hoping will make me smile and remember why I love MC CHRIS in the first place; hilarious nerd rhymes over pure melody.
Found an interesting trailer for an upcoming documentary called "THE OTHERS" at, home of the English comic book author, novelist, scriptwriter, reporter. Tons of great random factoids and interesting stories from around the world that may have slipped through the cracks. THE OTHERS is the first documentary project from ResistNetwork and is examines the lethal implications of the massive wall being constructed along the U.S./Mexico boarder.
check out more at and
Last night I had the pleasure of attending an early showing of Gilliam's 1985 classic BRAZIL, an appropriately Monty Python inspired comedy/drama set in an all too familiar buracratic distopia where secret police burst into your home in the middle of Christmas eve night and dissapear your husband while asking you to sign the receipt in return. Like so many tales before it BRAZIL echos the same critiques of capitalism and conformity that were caught on film in METROPOLIS (1927) and the same themes of militarization shown in THE BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN (1925). There is even an homage to the famous Potemkin scene in which police are marching down the staircase and massacring citizens. Think 1984 or BRAVE NEW WORLD or our own present day reality for that matter mixed with the HUDSUCKER PROXY, captured in the iconic and bizzare Gilliam wide-angle style and you get an amazingly funny and thought provoking film that is appropriately beautiful and horrificly unsettling. And like many of the classics which it resembles it will leave you very satisfied yet disturbed at how not so far from reality this absurd tale really is.
'Ello Everyone. Dale Cooper here with a quick review of yet another brilliant show from the UK, "BLACK BOOKS". This is another gem co-written by Graham Linehan, the jolly genius who almost single handedly wrote and directed some other hilarious shows, THE IT CROWD and FATHER TED. This time we focus on a depressed bookstore owner, played by Dylan Moran (Sean of the Dead, Run Fat Boy Run) who would much rather kick out his customers and drink than actually sell anything. Bill Baily and Tamsin Greig round out the small cast as his new accountant and a neighboring shop owner respectively, and the combination seems very similar in pace and humor to the very Seinfeld influenced IT CROWD. Very simple sets, a small, neurotic cast and simple situations that eventually build and collide in extremely clever ways. As someone who was not a Huge fan of the Seinfeld phenomena, to admit that you like not one but two! shows that are self-admittedly styled in the same fashion, makes me wonder what it was that i didn't like in that Sitcom versus why I fell in love with these UK Series. I think i just plain like the british cast better. Even though BLACK BOOKS and THE IT CROWD are very reminisent of US sitcoms, there is a lower-budget charm and a subtle, clever delivery of humor that is uniquely its own. Check it out for yourself. Full episodes can be easily tracked down over our scandalous internet movie sites, such as Tv links etc...
Special Agent Dale Cooper Hosts "Sandwiches Time!" a Pirate Radio broadcast for the Humboldt Free Radio Alliance every Saturday 9pm-Late on 99.9FM. Thrash/HipHop/Comedy/News/Metal/Movies/Punk/Indie/Pop/Comics/All Things Nerd Related. Podcast also available for those outside the broadcast area.