Straight from the Myst-y coast of Humboldt California, Welcome to the Great Northern. This blog was created in the hopes that it might be a fun place to waste time, rant, rave, review records, talk about comics, post/review movies, discuss politics as well as the newest Magic decks, repeatedly and disjointedly muse about classic twin peaks moments and generally have an outlet and forum for all things awesome and nerdy. Its a beautiful excuse to drink lots of caffeinated beverages, pop hyper smart pills, and ramble on like we've always wanted.
Here's some things to look forward to :
Dussledorf's homemade recipes and Hip Hop mix!
99.9 FM Humboldt Free Radio Alliance: Return to the Airwaves Blog
Local shows updates
Links to other awesome blogs
His Hero has guns, and lots of 'em. When the Zombie Apocalypse Hits.... with His Hero is Jon! take that Bear Giles!
Dale Cooper sits down and watches a bunch of badass movies and reads a comic or two....just for you!
What you want more?!! More to come soon!
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