Hope everyone had a good May Day! on the 1st. Whether you were drinking on the beach enjoying a rare sunny Saturday on the North Coast or participating on one of the countless massive May Day protests around the world, I hope it was a productive day! May 1st has always been a day of resistance and honor for immigrants and laborers, and this year holds special significance for these causes, given the outrageous and illegitimate legislation that is being considered in Arizona regarding illegal immigrants. I'm happy to report that there are already many lawsuits and efforts to boycott the state, including threats from executives for Major League Baseball which has an enormous amount of foreign players, most from Latino countries. 40 or so Major League teams hold there spring training in Arizona, and it is businesses and companies like this that must be pressured into publicly boycotting Arizona until SB 1070 is repealed! There is also a great story of a really brave Arizona County Sheriff who refuses to enforce the new law because he believes it is "racist and stupid".
In lighter news...Really excited because I have finally managed to acquire the elusive imic which allows me to record and podcast my radio shows, and I'm proud to announce that Episode #3 of Sandwiches Time is now up and podcasting!!! I have done countless shows between the few that I have podcasting so far, and each episode that I cant record I regret. There is so much spontaneous stupidity that I want to remember forever and my Saturday night kicked major sweet ass you might say, and now its up there for your enjoyment and my shame.
I also have to give a quick mention for my newest favorite show... Clark and Michael! Super funny low budget, improve style comedy from Michael Cera and Clark Duke, who are followed by a film crew as they write and sell a script to Hollywood. Short ten minute episodes only available online at Clarkandmichael.com, youtube or one of the many many links sites. Enjoy!
One more little nerd tid bit of info...oh I dunno...maybe FUTURAMA is returning for a brand new Season #6 on June 24th@10PM!!!!! Thats right! FUTRUAMA is Back!!!! It grew and grew on me until it eventually became on of my top favorite animated shows and I do not have words to express how excited i am about this! Here is a little sneak peek of the first 3 minutes of the newest Season 6 Episode 1 !!!!!!
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