...How it all works out. Just minutes after I posted the Paprika clip in a previous post, I learned of the sudden tragic death of its amazing director, Satoshi Kon. He was just 46 years old and passed because of rapidly spreading pancreatic cancer. This is a huge loss of a really unique talent in the Anime world. Animator/Writer/Director of such classics as PERFECT BLUE, MILLENIUM ACTRESS, PARANOIA AGENT, TOKYO GODFATHERS, and my personal favorite, the film that made me appreciate and really look at Japanese animations and regard them in a new beautiful light, PAPRIKA. He died in the middle of producing his final film, THE DREAM MACHINE, which his animation studio MADHOUSE, will complete soon. I feel fucking terrible. I really cannot believe that there will never be another original movie by Satoshi Kon. This grey and drizzly Humboldt night is now sad and ominous. What can you say...
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