thats, right all you lovely nerds, the newest Studio Ghibli Movie trailer is out and it looks flippin' sweet. All Miyazaki fans wait with baited breath, although this newest film is written and produced but NOT directed by Miyazaki himself. Its Directed instead by the youngest person ever to direct a Ghibli feature.
I cannot wait to see this....
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Billy Bragg: Eisler On The Go...
Billy Bragg and Wilco: Mermaid Ave. Came out some years ago now and somehow, i managed to overlook this version of Woody Guthrie's "Eisler On The Go". Now that I've heard it I cannot stop listening to it. Also, Check out the history of Hanns Eisler and his family...Quite interesting..
RIP Satoshi Kon...

...How it all works out. Just minutes after I posted the Paprika clip in a previous post, I learned of the sudden tragic death of its amazing director, Satoshi Kon. He was just 46 years old and passed because of rapidly spreading pancreatic cancer. This is a huge loss of a really unique talent in the Anime world. Animator/Writer/Director of such classics as PERFECT BLUE, MILLENIUM ACTRESS, PARANOIA AGENT, TOKYO GODFATHERS, and my personal favorite, the film that made me appreciate and really look at Japanese animations and regard them in a new beautiful light, PAPRIKA. He died in the middle of producing his final film, THE DREAM MACHINE, which his animation studio MADHOUSE, will complete soon. I feel fucking terrible. I really cannot believe that there will never be another original movie by Satoshi Kon. This grey and drizzly Humboldt night is now sad and ominous. What can you say...
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Walking Dead #13!!!!!! AWWWWW YEA! And A Random But Awesome Anime Clip!
There i was, in clear 28 degree sacramento, basting the cutest little baby Tofurkey loaf with a nice oliveoil/sage soy sauce, when I get one of the best fucking messages I could have hoped for. Maggie the Mechanic -> Dale Cooper: "There is a new walking dead out. We need to get it!" Next Day. Not 5 miles returned to EKA and I was in North Coast Role Playing buying the sweetest black and blue colored #13....
The Walking Dead comic has remained one of the most consistently intriguing and intense books i am currently following. I love other comics but I don't wait for them with the same giddy anticipation as I do with the Dead, and #13 here is a packed "this is why i love this comic" book. I wish i could say the same for the TV show, which me and my friends gathered to watch in a nerdy revelry, but has lost me little by little as each episode airs. No matter how hard I try i cannot separate it from the comic. I cannot forgive the detours, diversions and flat out new story lines that have been developed. Even taken on their own merit, as a TV show it is shaping up to be pretty terrible. There is great Zombie death and gore, yes. There is finally a TV show about Zombies..AND ITS THE WALKING DEAD MADE INTO A TV SHOW! But I find that i cringe at most of it. Maybe Season 2 will hook me back in....
and Now For Something Completely Different:
Just thought i would post a little clip of one of my favorite Anime, Paprika. Oddly enough it was this movie that in some bizzare way, inspired me to create this little blog....Enjoy!
The Walking Dead comic has remained one of the most consistently intriguing and intense books i am currently following. I love other comics but I don't wait for them with the same giddy anticipation as I do with the Dead, and #13 here is a packed "this is why i love this comic" book. I wish i could say the same for the TV show, which me and my friends gathered to watch in a nerdy revelry, but has lost me little by little as each episode airs. No matter how hard I try i cannot separate it from the comic. I cannot forgive the detours, diversions and flat out new story lines that have been developed. Even taken on their own merit, as a TV show it is shaping up to be pretty terrible. There is great Zombie death and gore, yes. There is finally a TV show about Zombies..AND ITS THE WALKING DEAD MADE INTO A TV SHOW! But I find that i cringe at most of it. Maybe Season 2 will hook me back in....
and Now For Something Completely Different:
Just thought i would post a little clip of one of my favorite Anime, Paprika. Oddly enough it was this movie that in some bizzare way, inspired me to create this little blog....Enjoy!
the walking dead
Monday, November 1, 2010
The Walking Dead Episode 1 !!!!

A very special Happy Birthday to my good friend Yellow Chri! A man among men, drinker, lover, founding member of the power trio MIDAIR, currently taking Flagstaff by storm... And Happy Day After Halloween!!! Halloween in Arcata is particularly annoying as all the slutty ghouls and k mart crayons and Marios gather on the plaza to smoke even more weed and climb on the McKinley statue while the damned samba band blasts away. But even that could not ruin the night as my friends and I gathered to watch the Pilot episode of THE WALKING DEAD!!!!!!! Its finally happening!!! This is my new weekly must see. Im a huge fan of the Comic, so going in, I tried to keep my expectations low to spare me any sort of real disappointment. I know that they are going to deviate from the comic in some ways, so I just decided to let go and take it for what it was. I can happily say that it actually exceeded my expectations and was flippin' badass!! Once we got past Shane's cringe inducing speech at the beginning, it was on. The make up on the decaying Zombie by the bike was spectacular, very true to a More/Adlard zombie from the book. I came to really like Rick and even though i don't like Shane much, knowing the comic im not going to have to put up with him for too much longer... Great Choice for a director also. I really love the cinematography of THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION and THE GREEN MILE for that matter. Darbont really knows how to capture the color and the feel of the South, making him a perfect candidate for Walking Dead.
It was pretty Brutal!! Nice job on the gore. Im really glad that AMC wasn't afraid to put all the real horror that was necessary for the story, but that being said, I really have no idea how they are going to handle all the crazy violent horrific shit that comes to pass later on in the story... Cannot wait for the next episode!!!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Strange But Cool David Lynch Dior Ad/ShortFilm?!
Went to IMDB to see what Lynch was working on and I stumbled across this odd little short that he wrote and direccted - as a part of a Dior handbag campaign? It's not really that surprising as Lynch has done many strange commercials, including one of the most unsettling ciggarette ads I have ever seen, but this clocks in at about 13 or 14 minutes, making it a cool little short film. Enjoy!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
New WEEZER Album Sounds Like...
Since I started listening to the "Blue" album when i was in fifth grade, I have been a die hard WEEZER fan. I was with them all the way up to and including Maladroit. That in itself is a great and very underrated album in my opinion. It had the most honest feel since Pinkerton as it was produced by the band themselves and captured Rivers at a time when he just could not deny his power rock roots, not to mention it contains some great tunes (Death and Destruction, Take Control, Possibilities, Space Rock, Slave, December). Even the universally despised "Make Believe" had "Hold Me" and "Peace", two of my favorite Weezer songs ever, placed directly in the middle of an otherwise terrible Rick Ruben produced fuck up of an album. What followed were the "Red" album and "Raditude", both containing one decent song respectively and the Red album clearly showed how horrible Weezer can be when all the band decides to chip in an write a song. Sorry but that is not Weezer. Weezer IS Rivers Cuomo in all his fucked up genius never thought he could write a bad song but turns out he can and does but its still ok sometimes glory. For me, Weezer is his vocal melodies over his guitar melody. But following this then we're led by his tortured midlife crisis into the cringe inducing Raditude. Cant stop Partying lost all of its assumed "irony" when it was converted to a polished song. like the first 5 songs on Red, these Raditude songs seemed mailed in and bland.
Enter the New Record "Hurley". Much hype over the cover though there is really not much to it. They liked his smile and decided to put it on the cover. But its funny how the art and look of the album can influence the feel it gives. Imagine Pinkerton without the eerie and beautiful Japanese painting for the cover. It was like the album fit the art perfectly and when i think of those songs, i think of the haunting beauty behind the dark and gloomy cover. Though Hurley actually recovers some and has some songs that will not leave my head, i dont think im going to be thinking about Jorge Garcia every time i listen to it.
"Hang On" is the best song on the album and sounds like a bizzarro b side from the green album sessions. Dont be fooled. This is not the return to be Blue album because there will never be one, yet there are some moments of melodies that are similar to those earlier songs, most notably in the last minute of "Unspoken" which seems to blend some of the make believe demo accoustic sounds with a classic early 90s nirvana-esque climax. "Smart Girls" is also really catchy and would be one of my favorites, but suffers from being way too over produced. I really don't like how Pat Wilson has seemingly been replaced by a drum machine on many of the songs.
WEEZER has changed from the band i once loved. Pat Wilson plays guitar now? and There is some fool I don't know or care about on drums, and Rivers is no longer playing guitar and doing bad boy band posturing while Brian Bell gets high and still cant sing. At one point I declared in amazement that Cuomo could never write a bad song. I was eventually proven wrong. But there will always be those little moments of divine weezer inspiration that i cannot deny.
Enter the New Record "Hurley". Much hype over the cover though there is really not much to it. They liked his smile and decided to put it on the cover. But its funny how the art and look of the album can influence the feel it gives. Imagine Pinkerton without the eerie and beautiful Japanese painting for the cover. It was like the album fit the art perfectly and when i think of those songs, i think of the haunting beauty behind the dark and gloomy cover. Though Hurley actually recovers some and has some songs that will not leave my head, i dont think im going to be thinking about Jorge Garcia every time i listen to it.
"Hang On" is the best song on the album and sounds like a bizzarro b side from the green album sessions. Dont be fooled. This is not the return to be Blue album because there will never be one, yet there are some moments of melodies that are similar to those earlier songs, most notably in the last minute of "Unspoken" which seems to blend some of the make believe demo accoustic sounds with a classic early 90s nirvana-esque climax. "Smart Girls" is also really catchy and would be one of my favorites, but suffers from being way too over produced. I really don't like how Pat Wilson has seemingly been replaced by a drum machine on many of the songs.
WEEZER has changed from the band i once loved. Pat Wilson plays guitar now? and There is some fool I don't know or care about on drums, and Rivers is no longer playing guitar and doing bad boy band posturing while Brian Bell gets high and still cant sing. At one point I declared in amazement that Cuomo could never write a bad song. I was eventually proven wrong. But there will always be those little moments of divine weezer inspiration that i cannot deny.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
So Many Things To Do! So Little Time!!!! Shows, Friends, Comics, Sacramento?
Again, I have been neglecting my little darling of a blog here, but I feel spread pretty thin these days, like butter over too much bread as my Pops used to say. Its surprising with so little actually happening in Arcata these days that my scheds would be so filled to the proverbial brim as to not allow me to vent and gripe to this computer screen at least once every 24 hours. But this should not be something to complain about. I like doing things. Im good at them.
Martha, sorceress, succubus and general conjurer of Doom, and I went up into the arid shale and clay mountains of Siskiyou county last weekend to visit Joe and Kelly, OG friends who met one another a mere 10 give or take months ago, and now have a ferocious baby due on Sept. 26th. They live inside two converted buses, Connected by a modern bathroom and conjoined in an L-Shape on a 40 acre plot nestled in the hills just past the tiny town of Orleans. A puppy, a kitten, lots of poison oak, guns, bullets, the Salmon River, lots of food and baby talk, a freaked out Joe and a very pregnant Kelly. Good times were had by all. I even forced Joe to watch Grandma's Boy, while i wasn't even there! This resulted in a phone call specifically to tell me of how much he loathed the movie and how displeased he was that i suggest he view it.
Went and saw INCEPTION the other day...much to debate and complain about. Full Review to come.
Just finished THE WALKING DEAD vol. 12!!!!! Amazingly tense and slow paced. Very Stepford Wives at parts. Full Review to come!!!!
Plus the new AMC series THE WALKING DEAD!!! Is there any chance it wont totally suck?!!! Cannot wait to find out on Halloween for the Premier!!! Crappy or not this now takes Lost's place and joins the new eps of Futurama as the new weekly TV parties.
Ive been on the radio seemingly endlessly for the past few weeks, covering shifts for djs out of town, training brand newbie Dj My Buddy Dave for his new show, Diabetic Coma on Tuesdays, and trying to make it through my own train wreck of a radio show, Sandwiches Time, Saturdays 9 to 11 or whenever im beamed back aboard the mother ship for the night. But Again, cant complain as i absolutely love the radio. Its one of the few reasons that i am still currently in this cursed foggy vortex that is Arcata. And I have so much debt to repay to all the djs who constantly cover my show as im doing my stupid traveling adventures. Thanks gwuuys!
Guida, an Italian punk/crust band played at the local all ages venue, E squared. These fine people had played at my house a year or so before. Everyone was a little awkward and nervous and none of the band spoke English and our attempts at Italian were embarrassing at best. Then they caught a glimpse of a friend's Twin Peaks back patch and we somehow managed to break the language barrier to nerd out about our favorite show. The ice was broken and a great show was had by all. This time, it was great to see them play to a large crowd of young enthusiastic kids in what i realised was a flipping amazing venue. An all ages, volunteer run show space, where you can bring and drink your own beer inside, E squared is tucked away in the dark industrial district of west Eureka and still has to battle with the local cops, who cruise by after a noise complaint every so often. So with the FireHouse evicted and the Aloha House currently on hiatus, and more and more shows lined up at E squared, Guess ill have to be going to Eureka more often these days. The Shanty does have 3.50 Bloody Mary's on Sundays...
God Help Me im sending out my resume again and looking for jobs. Man, i hate the term "job hunting". and "networking". This is an all-around very displeasing and disheartening experience. Lets stop talking about this.
So im heading down to Sacramento today for my first dentist appointment in 6 years. Think about that one. I feel good about this though, no matter how much they yell at me, it has to end sometime and afterward my teeth will have a chance of surviving...
More Later. Now the 5 hour drive.
Martha, sorceress, succubus and general conjurer of Doom, and I went up into the arid shale and clay mountains of Siskiyou county last weekend to visit Joe and Kelly, OG friends who met one another a mere 10 give or take months ago, and now have a ferocious baby due on Sept. 26th. They live inside two converted buses, Connected by a modern bathroom and conjoined in an L-Shape on a 40 acre plot nestled in the hills just past the tiny town of Orleans. A puppy, a kitten, lots of poison oak, guns, bullets, the Salmon River, lots of food and baby talk, a freaked out Joe and a very pregnant Kelly. Good times were had by all. I even forced Joe to watch Grandma's Boy, while i wasn't even there! This resulted in a phone call specifically to tell me of how much he loathed the movie and how displeased he was that i suggest he view it.
Went and saw INCEPTION the other day...much to debate and complain about. Full Review to come.
Just finished THE WALKING DEAD vol. 12!!!!! Amazingly tense and slow paced. Very Stepford Wives at parts. Full Review to come!!!!
Plus the new AMC series THE WALKING DEAD!!! Is there any chance it wont totally suck?!!! Cannot wait to find out on Halloween for the Premier!!! Crappy or not this now takes Lost's place and joins the new eps of Futurama as the new weekly TV parties.
Ive been on the radio seemingly endlessly for the past few weeks, covering shifts for djs out of town, training brand newbie Dj My Buddy Dave for his new show, Diabetic Coma on Tuesdays, and trying to make it through my own train wreck of a radio show, Sandwiches Time, Saturdays 9 to 11 or whenever im beamed back aboard the mother ship for the night. But Again, cant complain as i absolutely love the radio. Its one of the few reasons that i am still currently in this cursed foggy vortex that is Arcata. And I have so much debt to repay to all the djs who constantly cover my show as im doing my stupid traveling adventures. Thanks gwuuys!
Guida, an Italian punk/crust band played at the local all ages venue, E squared. These fine people had played at my house a year or so before. Everyone was a little awkward and nervous and none of the band spoke English and our attempts at Italian were embarrassing at best. Then they caught a glimpse of a friend's Twin Peaks back patch and we somehow managed to break the language barrier to nerd out about our favorite show. The ice was broken and a great show was had by all. This time, it was great to see them play to a large crowd of young enthusiastic kids in what i realised was a flipping amazing venue. An all ages, volunteer run show space, where you can bring and drink your own beer inside, E squared is tucked away in the dark industrial district of west Eureka and still has to battle with the local cops, who cruise by after a noise complaint every so often. So with the FireHouse evicted and the Aloha House currently on hiatus, and more and more shows lined up at E squared, Guess ill have to be going to Eureka more often these days. The Shanty does have 3.50 Bloody Mary's on Sundays...
God Help Me im sending out my resume again and looking for jobs. Man, i hate the term "job hunting". and "networking". This is an all-around very displeasing and disheartening experience. Lets stop talking about this.
So im heading down to Sacramento today for my first dentist appointment in 6 years. Think about that one. I feel good about this though, no matter how much they yell at me, it has to end sometime and afterward my teeth will have a chance of surviving...
More Later. Now the 5 hour drive.
general update,
pirate radio,
Sunday, August 22, 2010
A big ol' Thanks a bunch owed to all of the kids and folks who came out and supported this years slimmed-down version of BUMMERFEST! This is an annual 10+ band fundraiser for the Placebo, an all volunteer collective that hosts all ages shows and other events, and this year was pared down to a one-day only affair as opposed to the 3 day event of years past. It was a spirited and enthusiastic time. Though not the greatest turn out ever, once the crowd filled in a bit, the kids felt a little more comfy and felt free to start dancing and singing along to the bands set up at either end of the Eureka Vet's Hall. I noticed that I had an unexpectedly good time, and ended up staying till about the 4 hour mark before heading back to Arcata. I somehow felt less jaded and bitter about this small but dedicated Humboldt Music Scene, probably due to my recent excursion to the UberSweet oasis of a scene in Flagstaff AZ. I didn't scoff and immediately judge the bands i didn't know, and I wasn't pointing out all of the hipsters and their costumes, largely due to the fact that there really weren't many hipsters there. The crowed consisted mainly of 13-17 year-old girls and boys with nothing much better to do in Eureka on a sunny August Saturday, eager to see some other kids like them out and about. That is why places like the Placebo should be supported and have to survive; there really is No Place Else To Go for an underage youth in this city.
A great time was had by all of us over at the Pirate Radio merch table, and thanks to all you hungry little creetins for supporting us by buying slices and drinks and buttons and shirts. Thanks to the Raven Project and the folks at Humboldt Grassroots for tabling also!!! That's good People!
A great time was had by all of us over at the Pirate Radio merch table, and thanks to all you hungry little creetins for supporting us by buying slices and drinks and buttons and shirts. Thanks to the Raven Project and the folks at Humboldt Grassroots for tabling also!!! That's good People!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Yet Another Killing By The Humboldt Sheriff's Dept.
Thank You to Redwood Curtain CopWatch for the following Information:
Sheriff's Officers Opened Fire On Robert Garth: "The cops didn't even give him a chance," says witness neighbor.
Humboldt County Sheriff Officers shot and killed Robert Garth in the morning of Saturday August 7, 2010. CopWatchers and friends of the Garth family went to Blue Lake, after learning of the shooting. We took lots of video and photos. We want here to share what we learned, in brief.
First this: As we write this post (Saturday night, August 7, 2010), we anticipate two things. The first is that the media (i.e. Thadues Greenson of the Times-Standard who was in Blue Lake) will parrot, stating as fact, the police story. That's what the media ALWAYS does.
Now, we know the police story will be told in defense of the cops who murdered Robert. Thus, we can anticipate words that imply that the cops were scared for their safety and lives, the safety and lives of others; that they had to make a split-moment decision and the danger resulted in the split-moment decision to shoot (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11? shots?), and that Robert had mental health problems, which made him unpredictable or dangerous (perhaps the media will even put out an anecdotal story about Robert in another time to illustrate such a problem). However the media will do it, taking direction from police statements and police press releases, the media will criminalize the victim, Robert Garth, and recite excuses for the cops- cops who just ended a life!!
These notes are not in chronological order. For instance, although we initially talk about the District Attorney and his so-called investigation, he did not show up for quite a while into the day.
District Attorney (DA) Gallegos and his investigator arrived on the scene and told Robert's family and friends that the DA's office wanted to get statements from each of them. The investigator from the DA's said he wants to hear about “mental health issues”, “any history you can fill us in on.” He said, “I don't know Robert. I never dealt with him.” “We're trying to do some fact finding, gather evidence, get peoples' statements- to get our opinion about what happened..and we'd love to sit down and talk with you.” We say: Don't investigate the victim! Investigate the cops who shot and KILLED! The DA investigator wants people to talk, why? So the DA can say, "Well, he was crazy and dangerous, so... the shooting is justified.” What does the investigator want from people who did not even SEE what happened or know nothing about the particular cops who shot Robert? They are not witnesses! The DA will, undoubtedly, like he has EVERY OTHER POLICE MURDER, justify the killer Sheriffs' actions. And like he did with the murder by the cops of Martin Cotton II, the DA willl ignore or not even seek any real witness statements if he cannot alter it in the cops' favor. [For example, the DA was not interested in witness Lou Valente who watched the Eureka cops beat Martin to death and contacted the DA because his conscience could not let him be silent. Nor was the DA interested in speaking with the man who was IN JAIL next to Martin Cotton when Sheriff personnel continued the beating which killed Martin. The DA does not seek justice, but justification for the cops' murderous actions.]
So, here are observations, notes from August 7, 2010:
A neighbor said that between 7 and 7:30am, he saw Robert chasing another man going up the on-ramp toward Arcata on 299. The neighbor said that the other man threw off his backpack, and at one point Robert had a rake. The neighbor said he saw Robert hit the other guy with the rake and the backpack.
Two Sheriff cop cars arrived, with 4 cops inside. According to the neighbor, when the cops approached Robert and the other man were facing each other and talking, Robert holding the other man's arm. The neighbor perceived that things had calmed down. However, the neighbor said that “the cops didn't give him [Robert] a chance.” Really fast, it looked like one of the cops tripped, stumbled, and then the cops fired on Robert. The neighbor thought he heard between 6 and 11 shots.
One of the cop cars stayed in the same spot where it initially pulled up all morning and most of the afternoon. The car was very close to Robert, as if it drove up within just feet of him. By the time CopWatch folks arrived, the Sheriff's officers had sent the other guy home.
The backpack was about a football field away from where Robert lay dead.
There was no rake laying on the ground.
The Sheriff's officers wouldn't let Robert's parents near the scene. One Blue Lake nighbor said that the cops didn't even tell Robert's mother in her house nearby that her son had been killed.
The Sheriff's officers put up a canopy, then laid it on its side so no one could see Robert's body, or what they were doing near his body.
One person (who was in a position to overhear) said he heard the cops at the scene laughing at the situation.
Two Sheriff's investigators drove up the neighbor's driveway in an unmarked grey SUV. A woman sheriff cop got out and asked the neighbor, who could see things from his window (same neighbor mentioned above), if she and Sheriff officer Wayne Hansen could ask him questions and get a statement. The two cops got in the front seats of the Sheriff's vehicle and had the neighbor witness get in the back (like when someone is arrested). They were in the Sheriff's vehicle for about 30 minutes.
Coroner personnel arrived with a Sheriff's officer from Southern Humboldt. The Sheriff talked to one of Robert's younger brothers. He told him that he had called the forensic pathologist who said he couldn't make it to Humboldt until next Saturday. The Coroner went on to tell the brother that he can't let the family see Robert's body until the forensic pathologist could do an autopsy next Saturday. Coroner was telling him that Robert's body is evidence and they can't risk any “contamination” from family members' clothes or anything from being near it. [The Sheriff's left Robert's body on the side of the highway for most of the day]. Later, the same brother asked if the family could see a photo of Robert's body and was told, “No, that would be releasing evidence to the public, and we can't do that.” [It appears that the coroner personnel who was primarily speaking to the family was Charles Van Buskirk. He worked with Frank Jager when Jager was Coroner and helped cover up the truth about other killings. Van Buskirk is about as honest as a 12 dollar bill. A couple of years ago he visited the home of a grieving mother who's young daughter died under very suspicious circumstances, and who's toxicology report did not match what should have been in the daughter's body. When the mother showed the first sign of suspicion, Van Buskirk told her "People of your income or class think of these things [their children dying or being killed] like a lottery ticket." When the mother in disbelief asked him "What did you say?" he repeated his comment again- that poor parents regard their kids being killed as a lottery ticket (a way to get money?!).
Gallegos showed up after the coroner personnel with about 6 other people. When someone said, “Robert was unarmed”, Gallegos kept telling everyone that Robert had a metal pole.
No one could see the rake or metal pole that had been mentioned. Why was that potential evidence moved or disappeared, but the backpack was still in sight, on the ground?
A coast guard helicopter came and circled and landed on the freeway, blowing things around. The wind was so strong that it blew the backpack (evidence?) off the road and down the embankment a bit. Coast guard and Sheriff personnel switched out and went in the helicopter and circled a couple of times, purpotedly to take aerial photos. The helicopter was running the entire time they were switching out. At least a half hour after the helicopter took off and left, the Sheriff officers realized that the backpack had been blown away- moved. Three sheriff officers went to get the backpack; one picked it up and put it back where they thought it had been. Then they took pictures.
When Robert's body, after hours, was put in the coroner's vehicle, witnesses could not see the body being moved. About 10 cops surrounded Robert's body at that time, so witnesses do not know who moved the body.
Sheriff's Officers shot and kiled Robert Garth. The same Sheriff's agency also conducted investigative action and, it appears, also moved Robert's body.
When the coroner had come over to talk with one of Robert's younger brothers, the fire department showed up and began HOSING down the freeway where the shooting happened.
The coroner personnel (at least two of them) did not come to talk with anyone (family, etc.) until after the body was in their vehicle. Then they drove the vehicle to where the people were (about 9 family, friends, copwatch).
People were told that the names of the officers who killed Robert wouldn't be released because they were being interviewed...
The neighbor (mentioned above) said that his sons in the house saw everything too. They appeared to be, by CopWatchers' perception, at least in their teens. They stayed in the house. The neighbor's window has an unobstructed view (until the Sheriff's blocked it) of the spot where Robert was shot.
The neighbor said that he “didn't hear them [cops] say 'stop' or nothing” before they shot Robert.
Sheriff's Officers Opened Fire On Robert Garth: "The cops didn't even give him a chance," says witness neighbor.
Humboldt County Sheriff Officers shot and killed Robert Garth in the morning of Saturday August 7, 2010. CopWatchers and friends of the Garth family went to Blue Lake, after learning of the shooting. We took lots of video and photos. We want here to share what we learned, in brief.
First this: As we write this post (Saturday night, August 7, 2010), we anticipate two things. The first is that the media (i.e. Thadues Greenson of the Times-Standard who was in Blue Lake) will parrot, stating as fact, the police story. That's what the media ALWAYS does.
Now, we know the police story will be told in defense of the cops who murdered Robert. Thus, we can anticipate words that imply that the cops were scared for their safety and lives, the safety and lives of others; that they had to make a split-moment decision and the danger resulted in the split-moment decision to shoot (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11? shots?), and that Robert had mental health problems, which made him unpredictable or dangerous (perhaps the media will even put out an anecdotal story about Robert in another time to illustrate such a problem). However the media will do it, taking direction from police statements and police press releases, the media will criminalize the victim, Robert Garth, and recite excuses for the cops- cops who just ended a life!!
These notes are not in chronological order. For instance, although we initially talk about the District Attorney and his so-called investigation, he did not show up for quite a while into the day.
District Attorney (DA) Gallegos and his investigator arrived on the scene and told Robert's family and friends that the DA's office wanted to get statements from each of them. The investigator from the DA's said he wants to hear about “mental health issues”, “any history you can fill us in on.” He said, “I don't know Robert. I never dealt with him.” “We're trying to do some fact finding, gather evidence, get peoples' statements- to get our opinion about what happened..and we'd love to sit down and talk with you.” We say: Don't investigate the victim! Investigate the cops who shot and KILLED! The DA investigator wants people to talk, why? So the DA can say, "Well, he was crazy and dangerous, so... the shooting is justified.” What does the investigator want from people who did not even SEE what happened or know nothing about the particular cops who shot Robert? They are not witnesses! The DA will, undoubtedly, like he has EVERY OTHER POLICE MURDER, justify the killer Sheriffs' actions. And like he did with the murder by the cops of Martin Cotton II, the DA willl ignore or not even seek any real witness statements if he cannot alter it in the cops' favor. [For example, the DA was not interested in witness Lou Valente who watched the Eureka cops beat Martin to death and contacted the DA because his conscience could not let him be silent. Nor was the DA interested in speaking with the man who was IN JAIL next to Martin Cotton when Sheriff personnel continued the beating which killed Martin. The DA does not seek justice, but justification for the cops' murderous actions.]
So, here are observations, notes from August 7, 2010:
A neighbor said that between 7 and 7:30am, he saw Robert chasing another man going up the on-ramp toward Arcata on 299. The neighbor said that the other man threw off his backpack, and at one point Robert had a rake. The neighbor said he saw Robert hit the other guy with the rake and the backpack.
Two Sheriff cop cars arrived, with 4 cops inside. According to the neighbor, when the cops approached Robert and the other man were facing each other and talking, Robert holding the other man's arm. The neighbor perceived that things had calmed down. However, the neighbor said that “the cops didn't give him [Robert] a chance.” Really fast, it looked like one of the cops tripped, stumbled, and then the cops fired on Robert. The neighbor thought he heard between 6 and 11 shots.
One of the cop cars stayed in the same spot where it initially pulled up all morning and most of the afternoon. The car was very close to Robert, as if it drove up within just feet of him. By the time CopWatch folks arrived, the Sheriff's officers had sent the other guy home.
The backpack was about a football field away from where Robert lay dead.
There was no rake laying on the ground.
The Sheriff's officers wouldn't let Robert's parents near the scene. One Blue Lake nighbor said that the cops didn't even tell Robert's mother in her house nearby that her son had been killed.
The Sheriff's officers put up a canopy, then laid it on its side so no one could see Robert's body, or what they were doing near his body.
One person (who was in a position to overhear) said he heard the cops at the scene laughing at the situation.
Two Sheriff's investigators drove up the neighbor's driveway in an unmarked grey SUV. A woman sheriff cop got out and asked the neighbor, who could see things from his window (same neighbor mentioned above), if she and Sheriff officer Wayne Hansen could ask him questions and get a statement. The two cops got in the front seats of the Sheriff's vehicle and had the neighbor witness get in the back (like when someone is arrested). They were in the Sheriff's vehicle for about 30 minutes.
Coroner personnel arrived with a Sheriff's officer from Southern Humboldt. The Sheriff talked to one of Robert's younger brothers. He told him that he had called the forensic pathologist who said he couldn't make it to Humboldt until next Saturday. The Coroner went on to tell the brother that he can't let the family see Robert's body until the forensic pathologist could do an autopsy next Saturday. Coroner was telling him that Robert's body is evidence and they can't risk any “contamination” from family members' clothes or anything from being near it. [The Sheriff's left Robert's body on the side of the highway for most of the day]. Later, the same brother asked if the family could see a photo of Robert's body and was told, “No, that would be releasing evidence to the public, and we can't do that.” [It appears that the coroner personnel who was primarily speaking to the family was Charles Van Buskirk. He worked with Frank Jager when Jager was Coroner and helped cover up the truth about other killings. Van Buskirk is about as honest as a 12 dollar bill. A couple of years ago he visited the home of a grieving mother who's young daughter died under very suspicious circumstances, and who's toxicology report did not match what should have been in the daughter's body. When the mother showed the first sign of suspicion, Van Buskirk told her "People of your income or class think of these things [their children dying or being killed] like a lottery ticket." When the mother in disbelief asked him "What did you say?" he repeated his comment again- that poor parents regard their kids being killed as a lottery ticket (a way to get money?!).
Gallegos showed up after the coroner personnel with about 6 other people. When someone said, “Robert was unarmed”, Gallegos kept telling everyone that Robert had a metal pole.
No one could see the rake or metal pole that had been mentioned. Why was that potential evidence moved or disappeared, but the backpack was still in sight, on the ground?
A coast guard helicopter came and circled and landed on the freeway, blowing things around. The wind was so strong that it blew the backpack (evidence?) off the road and down the embankment a bit. Coast guard and Sheriff personnel switched out and went in the helicopter and circled a couple of times, purpotedly to take aerial photos. The helicopter was running the entire time they were switching out. At least a half hour after the helicopter took off and left, the Sheriff officers realized that the backpack had been blown away- moved. Three sheriff officers went to get the backpack; one picked it up and put it back where they thought it had been. Then they took pictures.
When Robert's body, after hours, was put in the coroner's vehicle, witnesses could not see the body being moved. About 10 cops surrounded Robert's body at that time, so witnesses do not know who moved the body.
Sheriff's Officers shot and kiled Robert Garth. The same Sheriff's agency also conducted investigative action and, it appears, also moved Robert's body.
When the coroner had come over to talk with one of Robert's younger brothers, the fire department showed up and began HOSING down the freeway where the shooting happened.
The coroner personnel (at least two of them) did not come to talk with anyone (family, etc.) until after the body was in their vehicle. Then they drove the vehicle to where the people were (about 9 family, friends, copwatch).
People were told that the names of the officers who killed Robert wouldn't be released because they were being interviewed...
The neighbor (mentioned above) said that his sons in the house saw everything too. They appeared to be, by CopWatchers' perception, at least in their teens. They stayed in the house. The neighbor's window has an unobstructed view (until the Sheriff's blocked it) of the spot where Robert was shot.
The neighbor said that he “didn't hear them [cops] say 'stop' or nothing” before they shot Robert.
humboldt county,
redwood curtain copwatch
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Back After A Month Long Stint in Alaska!!! Ive finally read DOOM PATROL Vol 2!!! Yet Another Party In Flagstaff!!!
Back in the Lower 48 as they might say, Ive finally returned to the confines of the continental U.S. after working my proverbial Arse off in Naknek Alaska Salmon cannery. Picture Naknek Alaska. Not the postcard pictures of Anchorage illuminated at dusk my the setting sun nestled in the shadows of the mountains or majestic glaciers flowing towards crystal blue lakes, but a coastal plain of small shrubs, a sandy squishy tundra desolation, ramble of modest teetering wooden shacks and trailers and immense canneries and tiny home businesses that dot the path of the Peninsula Highway and at the end of the road eventually form what can loosely be called a small town consisting of a post office, a town museum and three heavily trafficked bars, The Red Dog, The Fisherman and poor poor Hatfield's, and the homes of its customers.
There is no real way to describe the Alaska General Seafood cannery other than comparing it to a summer camp for juvenile hall all-stars. Packed two story dorms, footsteps echoing through the entire hall off seemingly hollow wooden floors, and I even roomed with the self-proclaimed "best rapper in Naknek". Incredible.
The "slime line", the freezer, the egg house, the warehouse. Thankfully I was placed in the warehouse under the semi supervision of Dean, aka the best boss one could ask for. Relative to the rest of the cannery's operations, being a warehouse worker is a cushy job. No dressing up and down in thick full body rain gear, no unbearable fish smell, no fish gutting dis assembly line. The warehouse is the last stop on the poor Salmon's journey through the massive never ceasing seafood slaughterhouse. The fish are cooked inside the cans then stacked inside near 1000 lbs steel crates which are rolled into the "cooling room" where they sit until they are cool enough to handle. then i come over and pull the "bussy" in front of a mini conveyor belt and toss them layer by layer down toward the giant magnet head which stacks them 20 layers high on a pallet. We throw a cardboard shroud over the "bright stack" and strap it up and call for the poor forklift driver scowling at us from the dark. They are loaded on an extremely slow moving barge and head toward Seattle. There you go. More on the Alaska adventure later.
On a super quick nerdly note, the Grant Morrison run of DOOM PATROL is quickly becoming one of my top favorite series. The first Trade really got me hooked. More classic comic initially. Small contained episodes where a villain rises then falls, but there are traces of the trademark Grant Morrison style and subject mater of meta universes, androgyny etc. Trade #2 THE PAINTING THAT ATE PARIS expands even more on the worlds within worlds idea and brings in more elements of absurdism. More awesome and creative adversaries to compliment our increasingly complicated and conflicted "heroes". A good friend of mine who we shall call Maggie the Mechanic, says she likes it even more than the INVISIBLES. Im not so sure about this. Maybe. We shall see. Full and complete nerd review later.
I have to put all these sweet pointless topics on hold, because I am currently sitting in the best food/coffee shop in Flagstaff AZ, eating possibly the best order of veggie b&g I have ever eaten, about to go to Oak Creek to swim in the red rock river, just before we head down to to see our friends band CUSTODY BATTLE play the first show of their tour. There are no words to describe how awesome this is.
There is no real way to describe the Alaska General Seafood cannery other than comparing it to a summer camp for juvenile hall all-stars. Packed two story dorms, footsteps echoing through the entire hall off seemingly hollow wooden floors, and I even roomed with the self-proclaimed "best rapper in Naknek". Incredible.
The "slime line", the freezer, the egg house, the warehouse. Thankfully I was placed in the warehouse under the semi supervision of Dean, aka the best boss one could ask for. Relative to the rest of the cannery's operations, being a warehouse worker is a cushy job. No dressing up and down in thick full body rain gear, no unbearable fish smell, no fish gutting dis assembly line. The warehouse is the last stop on the poor Salmon's journey through the massive never ceasing seafood slaughterhouse. The fish are cooked inside the cans then stacked inside near 1000 lbs steel crates which are rolled into the "cooling room" where they sit until they are cool enough to handle. then i come over and pull the "bussy" in front of a mini conveyor belt and toss them layer by layer down toward the giant magnet head which stacks them 20 layers high on a pallet. We throw a cardboard shroud over the "bright stack" and strap it up and call for the poor forklift driver scowling at us from the dark. They are loaded on an extremely slow moving barge and head toward Seattle. There you go. More on the Alaska adventure later.
On a super quick nerdly note, the Grant Morrison run of DOOM PATROL is quickly becoming one of my top favorite series. The first Trade really got me hooked. More classic comic initially. Small contained episodes where a villain rises then falls, but there are traces of the trademark Grant Morrison style and subject mater of meta universes, androgyny etc. Trade #2 THE PAINTING THAT ATE PARIS expands even more on the worlds within worlds idea and brings in more elements of absurdism. More awesome and creative adversaries to compliment our increasingly complicated and conflicted "heroes". A good friend of mine who we shall call Maggie the Mechanic, says she likes it even more than the INVISIBLES. Im not so sure about this. Maybe. We shall see. Full and complete nerd review later.
I have to put all these sweet pointless topics on hold, because I am currently sitting in the best food/coffee shop in Flagstaff AZ, eating possibly the best order of veggie b&g I have ever eaten, about to go to Oak Creek to swim in the red rock river, just before we head down to to see our friends band CUSTODY BATTLE play the first show of their tour. There are no words to describe how awesome this is.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
How To Make Your Own Pirate Radio Station! Short Video...
I just stumbled across this quick video from the good pirates over at Free Radio Berkeley and even though it's dry it's a decent introduction to the basics of low-power FM broadcasting. The beginning is fairly technical as he explains how the actual circuitry of the transmitter works but then he quickly shows you how simply and easily you can set up and start rocking out! Humboldt Free Radio Alliance works primarily the same way though we have an amplifier to boost our signal to about 55-60 watts and those are easy enough to purchase over the web for under $100. So go out and take back the airwaves people!
How To Make a Radio Station from Seth Gadsden on Vimeo.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
New Episode Of SANDWICHES TIME! Finally PodCasting!

Its been far far to long since my last podcast, therefore i am super excited to have Episode 4 of my Pirate Radio broadcast SANDWICHES TIME! up on line at long last! Sorry for the delay and a huge thanks to our resident red rasta wizard who came through in the clutch with the technology blast! that allowed me to record my show once again. Check out the link on the sidebar to my podomatic page and remember dear reader/listener, a time when finalfantasy VII ruled the world and enjoy this random hiphop/thrash barrage of a show!
99.9 fm,
hip hop,
humboldt free radio alliance,
pirate radio,
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Ani Kuri 1 minute shorts are pretty damn sweet!
I just recently found out that the 1 minute short i posted a while back titled Ohayou (good morning) was just one of 15 or so minute long shorts that were aired between programs and were overseen by some of the most acclaimed directors in Anime, hence the name Ani Kuri which is a short on the Japanese pronounciation of anime creator. Some are really great and others just so=so, but i only wish we had filler programing of this quality over here in the U.S.! here is Episode #11 and i dedicate it to little JetGirl. ill post some other quality ones as i find them...
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Yes yes time for another quick comic review as I have spent the last weekend nestled in the dry craggy nooks of the Sisikyou County mountains relaxing with friends in their converted bus doing absolutely nothing but eating and reading sweet comics! Thanks again Joe for the new books! Lets start with BLACK SUMMER, a single 8 issue trade that came out in 2005 done yet again by Warren Ellis. Can't help but like how the book starts off, with a masked superhero, once part of an elite citizen defense team, now turned anti-government vigilante, walking into the White House press room drenched in gore calmly stating that he has just killed the President and his cabinet for their numerous atrocities, and demands that we citizens hold free elections to start anew. Super amazing and ultra detailed art by Juan Jose Ryp in the vein of Geoff Darrow. As with a lot of the single books that Ellis puts out, I only wish that this series would have gone on longer. As with OCEAN and ORBITER I felt that those stories and histories could have been stretched over many many issues. They just seem to go so gosh darn quick! But then I must keep in mind that I am furiously reading this thing all at once and not waiting month to month for each issue to come out...
Next Up: DOOM PATROL by Grant Morrison. Written in 1989, classic 60's super heroes are revamped by Morrison into a completely new and surreal take on the genre. This is most definitely a predecessor to THE INVISIBLES as again we are dealing with a group of anti heroes who defy all our social and political expectations, they are all outcasts, all handicapped in some way and are dealing with very unconventional situations. Very Grant Morrison like themes of Meta fiction and dreams/reality. Super. Awesome. I don't know why it has taken me so long to read this thing. Cant wait to get my hands on the next trade...
I am also in the process of reading WATERLOO SUNSET by Andrew Stephenson. Thanks again joe! Just a little way into this thing and it is warming up to me. It has the atmosphere of WASTELAND, a comic I am not particularly fond of. And here again we have another mysterious be-goggled "hunter" who wanders the post-apocalyptic landscape, but this seems to be going in a direction that's keeping me interested....we shall see...
black summer,
doom patrol,
grant morrison,
Warren Ellis,
waterloo sunset
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Thought I would repost this beautiful animated short by one of my favorite Japanese animators, Satoshi Kon (PAPRIKA, PERFECT BLUE, PARANOIA AGENT). It is very simple and illustrates the lighting and the mood that makes me love Kon's animation. I stumbled across this 1 min. short on Paul Duffield's blog (Artist for FREAKANGELS) which is a very interesting read in itself. Thanks Paul!
Paul Duffield,
Satoshi Kon
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
DN! Interview With Author/Activist Tariq Ali On England's Political Mess:
Here is a quick clip from today's episode of Democracy Now! featuring an informative interview with British author/activist Tariq Ali. If you are at all interested in the current bizarre political crisis unfolding in the UK, check this interview out. Its brief but Ali does a decent job of breaking down the UK political parties and laying out the situation in a fairly simple way for someone unfamiliar with the British political scene. Watch closely because England's political descisions are directly intertwined with those of our own country concerning the continuing war in Afghanistan and according to Ali, it doesn't look like things are going to change.
Grant Morrison: TALKING WITH GODS Trailer!
This is going to be flat out incredible. Fans of comics, metafiction and metaphysics rejoice!!! Its always a little nerve wracking to see your favorite pop heros, usually completely anonnymous, as the subjects of very ego centric documentaries, but it looks like TALKING WITH GODS is going to be amazing. Here is a little teaser trailer. I love the fact that they chose to put subtitles under him because of his heavy Scottish accent.
grant morrison,
talking with gods
Monday, May 10, 2010
Dale Cooper Says: FREAKANGELS Is An Awesome Comic! And It's Free!! Plus CAPTURED GHOSTS trailer!

FREAKANGELS is a free, weekly ONLINE comic written once again by Warren Ellis, who I just discovered is going to be the center of a new documentary entitled CAPTURING GHOSTS. He apparently is going to also be making a film of his own; a documentary about another amazing writer, Grant Morrison (THE INVISIBLES, THE FILTH) which i believe is called "TALKING WITH GODS". Total Cream Dream for comic nerds. Check out the trailer for CAPTURING GHOSTS below!
iPad people, get that Comic Book app and download this thing! That's right. If you didn't know, there is an app that allows you to download some comics for free and you can view and read them like any other document. Its probably the coolest thing. Ever. Not only is FREAKANGELS completely free, but it is also amazingly written and drawn, with a great new story by Ellis and delicate thin lined artwork with sharp, bold colors by Paul Duffield. Eager comic zelots will be pleased with the weekly episodes and anyone who wants the thing in hardcopy can collect the Trades that come out every six months or so. This is currently one of my favorite comics. FREAKANGELS.COM is also a really fun website with links worth checking out.
capturing ghosts,
grant morrison,
talking with gods
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Awesome Short Documentary On London's Pirate Radio Stations!
This has to be one of the coolest clips I have seen in a long time. These Pirates have stations, transmitters and relays all throughout sprawling downtown London, and you get to see how a few are set up in this vid. And unlike us Pirates here in the States, they face very severe penalties if caught by the UK authorities. Here, Pirate stations are usually only fined or eventually raided after multiple offences from the same location. It seems things are a lot more strict for our fellow English Pirates, but as is shown in this short video, that is not stopping them from broadcasting from more than 80 unregulated stations in London!
london pirate radio,
pirate radio
Monday, May 3, 2010
May Day! New Podcast! Clark and Michael! Futurama Returns!
Hope everyone had a good May Day! on the 1st. Whether you were drinking on the beach enjoying a rare sunny Saturday on the North Coast or participating on one of the countless massive May Day protests around the world, I hope it was a productive day! May 1st has always been a day of resistance and honor for immigrants and laborers, and this year holds special significance for these causes, given the outrageous and illegitimate legislation that is being considered in Arizona regarding illegal immigrants. I'm happy to report that there are already many lawsuits and efforts to boycott the state, including threats from executives for Major League Baseball which has an enormous amount of foreign players, most from Latino countries. 40 or so Major League teams hold there spring training in Arizona, and it is businesses and companies like this that must be pressured into publicly boycotting Arizona until SB 1070 is repealed! There is also a great story of a really brave Arizona County Sheriff who refuses to enforce the new law because he believes it is "racist and stupid".
In lighter news...Really excited because I have finally managed to acquire the elusive imic which allows me to record and podcast my radio shows, and I'm proud to announce that Episode #3 of Sandwiches Time is now up and podcasting!!! I have done countless shows between the few that I have podcasting so far, and each episode that I cant record I regret. There is so much spontaneous stupidity that I want to remember forever and my Saturday night kicked major sweet ass you might say, and now its up there for your enjoyment and my shame.
I also have to give a quick mention for my newest favorite show... Clark and Michael! Super funny low budget, improve style comedy from Michael Cera and Clark Duke, who are followed by a film crew as they write and sell a script to Hollywood. Short ten minute episodes only available online at, youtube or one of the many many links sites. Enjoy!
One more little nerd tid bit of info...oh I dunno...maybe FUTURAMA is returning for a brand new Season #6 on June 24th@10PM!!!!! Thats right! FUTRUAMA is Back!!!! It grew and grew on me until it eventually became on of my top favorite animated shows and I do not have words to express how excited i am about this! Here is a little sneak peek of the first 3 minutes of the newest Season 6 Episode 1 !!!!!!
boycott Arizona,
Clark and Michael,
May Day,
Sandwiches Time,
SB 1070
Friday, April 30, 2010
Nerds and Activists Unite!! Boycott Arizona!!!

This blog has been primarily a source for all things Nerdlinger-related, and what's more Nerdy and complex than fucked up Politics? Just a quick rant against the racist and illegitement Anti-Immigration law that was just passed Arizona, which would require all Arizona Police Officers to stop, question and determine the immigration status of any supposed "mexican person" they see walking down the street. I don't even know where to start bashing this insane legistlation! We must do everything in our power to help sway the state to outlaw the bill! Fortunately, public outcry has been so great, there are already massive lawsuits and protests underway around the country including strategies for Boycotting the entire State of Arizona. We must put pressure on the state government to show that this type of ignorance and intolerance is not acceptable. I have many friends in Arizona and my heart goes out to all of them who will have to unfairly defend themselves against ignorant Police interrogations until this is settled.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Its Really Happening!! MC CHRIS Twin Peaks Tribute Song!!

By now everyone must be somewhat familiar or suspicious of my massive Twin Peaks obsession. Its my comfort show. Im a nerd for most everything David Lynch, but Twin Peaks holds a special place for me. I've sat through the seasons a billion goddamn times and it keeps getting better every time I see it! I know it by and love it with all my heart. Perhaps this means there will have to be a full Peaks blog entry to come in the near future... Anyway, being a complete nerd myself is it any surprise that one of my favorite names in Hip Hop is MC CHRIS? Ive been a fan of his for years and even saw him when he came up to a sparsely attended show at a crappy brewery up here in the north coast. Well now there are two reasons to celebrate.
1. ON April 1st. MC CHRIS added a song to his website. Its a full on tribute to Twin Peaks. I don't think I need to elaborate on how long I've wanted this to happen and how excited I am. Not his greatest song, but definitely up there for me. Amazing!
2. MC CHRIS has just released a new full length record MC CHRIS GOES TO HELL, which continues the sketches and themes from his last album MC CHRIS IS DEAD. HELL actually compiles three short EPs that were previously released as PART 6 part 1, 2 and 3 (666 get it), plus some extras. As with all MC CHRIS albums, the lyrics remain very clever and solid throughout, but what always makes or brakes the songs, for me personally, are the beats and the music. The production has definitely changed since his the days of Fettes Vett and now take on a smoother more club/dance vibe, vocal tuner in full effect and these are the songs I like surprisingly. Or they go the exact opposite direction with glitched out computer distorted beats that don't really work for me. And like all his albums, there are some songs that are good but not great, and then there are the sparkly diamonds that make every MC CHRIS record worth owning. Plus the sketches on the album are almost better than the music. They are obviously improvised and extremely hilarious. In short, even though I already own PART 6 Parts 1 2 and 3 already, Im going to get this record for the few extra songs, all of which Im sure will be entertaining, but one or two of which Im hoping will make me smile and remember why I love MC CHRIS in the first place; hilarious nerd rhymes over pure melody.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Interesting Stuff Over At
Found an interesting trailer for an upcoming documentary called "THE OTHERS" at, home of the English comic book author, novelist, scriptwriter, reporter. Tons of great random factoids and interesting stories from around the world that may have slipped through the cracks. THE OTHERS is the first documentary project from ResistNetwork and is examines the lethal implications of the massive wall being constructed along the U.S./Mexico boarder.
check out more at and
check out more at and
Monday, April 12, 2010
Brazil! And The Genius Of Terry Gilliam

Last night I had the pleasure of attending an early showing of Gilliam's 1985 classic BRAZIL, an appropriately Monty Python inspired comedy/drama set in an all too familiar buracratic distopia where secret police burst into your home in the middle of Christmas eve night and dissapear your husband while asking you to sign the receipt in return. Like so many tales before it BRAZIL echos the same critiques of capitalism and conformity that were caught on film in METROPOLIS (1927) and the same themes of militarization shown in THE BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN (1925). There is even an homage to the famous Potemkin scene in which police are marching down the staircase and massacring citizens. Think 1984 or BRAVE NEW WORLD or our own present day reality for that matter mixed with the HUDSUCKER PROXY, captured in the iconic and bizzare Gilliam wide-angle style and you get an amazingly funny and thought provoking film that is appropriately beautiful and horrificly unsettling. And like many of the classics which it resembles it will leave you very satisfied yet disturbed at how not so far from reality this absurd tale really is.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Cooper Watches Yet Another Amazing UK Comedy Series!!

'Ello Everyone. Dale Cooper here with a quick review of yet another brilliant show from the UK, "BLACK BOOKS". This is another gem co-written by Graham Linehan, the jolly genius who almost single handedly wrote and directed some other hilarious shows, THE IT CROWD and FATHER TED. This time we focus on a depressed bookstore owner, played by Dylan Moran (Sean of the Dead, Run Fat Boy Run) who would much rather kick out his customers and drink than actually sell anything. Bill Baily and Tamsin Greig round out the small cast as his new accountant and a neighboring shop owner respectively, and the combination seems very similar in pace and humor to the very Seinfeld influenced IT CROWD. Very simple sets, a small, neurotic cast and simple situations that eventually build and collide in extremely clever ways. As someone who was not a Huge fan of the Seinfeld phenomena, to admit that you like not one but two! shows that are self-admittedly styled in the same fashion, makes me wonder what it was that i didn't like in that Sitcom versus why I fell in love with these UK Series. I think i just plain like the british cast better. Even though BLACK BOOKS and THE IT CROWD are very reminisent of US sitcoms, there is a lower-budget charm and a subtle, clever delivery of humor that is uniquely its own. Check it out for yourself. Full episodes can be easily tracked down over our scandalous internet movie sites, such as Tv links etc...
Black Books,
Graham Linehan,
The IT Crowd,
UK comedy
Monday, March 29, 2010
Dale Cooper Says: Stop What Your Doing And Watch These Shows Now!!!

Here are some great British comedies, a few of which are already becoming fairly popular over here. These particular few are the genius-brain-babies of Matthew Holness, Richard Ayoade and Matt Berry!
This is fake documentary of sorts, focusing on a controversial 1980s TV series about non other than, Garth Marenghi (Matthew Holness): Doctor, Author, Dreamweaver etc.. Complete with shitty film quality, hilarious overdubs for one character and interviews with the original fictitious cast, including Producer and novice actor, Dean Learner (Richard Ayoade).
Dean Learner, fictitious Producer of Darkplace, chit chatting in his "Mansionette"
"...Live from his luxury penthouse apartment in London's glittering East End, Dean Learner Club Owner, Entrepreneur, and Publisher of high-class gentleman's magazines, invites you to join him for an exclusive Man to Man!"
Truly one of the strangest comedy series that I've seen, but still a super funny variety show from exuberant genius Matt Berry and casually cuss spewing American, Rich Fulcher. Matt comes from a long line of affluent hangmen, and is content to sit swilling whiskey in the gentleman's club with Rich. Sounds odd and simple enough, then enter the time traveling door, the repeating theme song and other extremely random sketches in which Matt basically screws Rich over repeatedly in terribly hilarious ways and what's left is something of a loosely coherent stream of sorts? What can I say? Its hard to describe, but a really interesting look into the twisted genius of Matt Berry, who seems to be in every single one of these shows.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
I'm Making My Lunch!!! Sandwiches Time 99.9FM 1st Show Success!!! Podcast Up Friday 4/2

Last night marked my official return to the Pirate airwaves and what nerdfest it was, clocking in at just under 4 hours! I just couldn't stop spinning and sampling and the next thing i knew it was 1am. I was ecstatic, anxious and frustrated, under-prepared over-caffeinated, trying not to spill my tasty beverage while struggling to find the next record to throw on next because the lame sample I cued up wasn't the right one and it's come to an unforeseen dramatic pause in the movie and its been the equivalent of dead air for the better part of a minute, all the while praying that the CD I cued up isn't thrashed too bad to play. I was so happy. I missed the radio so goddamn much. Thanks to Red Rasta (RIP Downbeat) for showing me the ropes and helping me record this travesty for future humiliation when its finally podcasted. This first episode of Sandwiches Time will be uploaded soon over at! Its a long name but its worth the finger work I swear. Just follow the link in the sidebar, but i must warn you, there's nothing there yet. This episode will be up by tomorrow and if all goes according to my master plan, there will be a new show podcast every week and world domination will come soon aft....maybe I shouldn't mention the latter part....
Just a quick note: Free Radio Santa Cruz aka FreakRadio celebrated their 15 year anniversary last night. Check out the story on the Indybay news feed.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
酔いや なぜに 無限と美杯 : Intoxicated And Wondering Why There Is Infinity And Beauty!! Dale Cooper Nerds Out On Anime !

Yes yes. Another day grey and gloomy here on the Redwood Coast. All seem to be huddled warm in their respective lairs, a light drizzle in the seabreeze and a fresh pot of coffee bubbling; for me, perfect time to batten down the hatches and prepare to watch some gorgeous ass-kicking Anime. Not that i am in any way, shape or form any authority at all on the subject of Japanese animation. Im a new fan actually. A convert if you will. I had previously gone through every film geeks Asian Horror phase, and I knew my fair share about the rich and super bizzare fare that one might encounter with Japanese live action, but I didn't grow up with Astro-Boy or Gundam, Perfect Blue or Ghost in the Shell as some of my other school mates did and it would take all the way up until i was about 22 to finally watch an Anime all the way through. It took a while, but then I saw the few that were just so beautiful and smart and fun to watch that I couldn't deny it. I fucking loved some of these movies.
Again I must stress my limited knowledge here. I am nothing compared to a true Anime nerd, I just feel compelled to mention a few that I have always liked and some that have recently caught my attention. Im going to try and keep a running review section of new Anime (well, new to me) as well as running reviews of records, movies , nerdlythings etc.
Recently I've stumbled upon some great stuff by Satoshi Kon, who is beyond famous at this point for Anime fans. Most famous probably for the psychological thriller, Perfect Blue (1998), Millenium Actress (2001) and more recently for my personal favorite, Paprika (2006). As i write this Im watching Millennium Actress for the first time, and i just saw an amazing samuri-style fight sequence that just reinforces the beauty of the medium. Each one of his films has an animation style that is bold and vivid, with themes that often blend fantasy and reality, making for some really unique stories and beautiful animated sequences. Paprika is actually very loosly adapted from a 1993 novel by Yasutaka Tsutsui, and remains closest to my heart probably because it was the first Anime that I really wanted to see, really wanted to be good, and it was! It was also the amazing animation, sweet lucid dream sequences and general goofy and fun feel of the movie that got me. Even the music by Susumu Hirasawa was so catchy that I couldn't help but like it. It completely fufilled my expectations of how sweet these movies could be.
Another movie that you should go out and get right at this very moment is Tekkon Kinkreet. Directed by Micheal Arias and based on the Manga of the same name by Taiyo Matsumoto, Tekkon kinkreet has a very unique, almost children's drawing quality to the animation. Its very fluid and gorgeous to look at and if any movie can be considered eye candy this is definitely one of them. We follow the exploits of Black and White aka notorious street gang "The Cats", two orphans battling it out on the streets of decaying Treasure Town, now becoming overrun with young yakuza who just don't do things the way they used to. This movie almost makes me cry every single goddamed time I watch it. Its almost too much. The memory of when my friends and I first saw it, the innocence and beauty of White's view of the fucked up reality to which they are subjected, the overwhelming animation, gets me every time! So sweet you must check this one out. Fun factoid:鉄コン筋クリート"Tekkon Kinkreet" is a child's mispronounciation of Tekkin Konkurito meaning "steel reinforced concrete". Michael Arias is an American-born, Japanese filmmaker who moved to Japan when he was 23. He reads and speaks Japanese fluently and Tekkon Kinkreet makes him really the first non-japanese director of a major Anime.
More to come soon!
Millennium Actress,
Perfect Blu,
Satoshi Kon,
Friday, March 19, 2010
HFRA 99.9FM Back On The Air Wednesday the 24th

The antennae is up and the Transmitter is dialed in. Operating at approx. 55 watts, 99.9FM will start up once again this Wednesday the 24th, now with a new an improved broadcasting range. The signal can now be heard crystal clear in the immediate city of Arcata, Manilla, Sunny Brea and even in downtown Eureka. Thanks once again to Downbeat and Rex for fighting, bickering, nagging, and eventually somehow getting the entire studio built. Questions/concerns/gripes/hate/love/free food should be sent to our FaceBook page (become a fan! get a hat!!!....justkidding) or which will be updated soon to include the current schedule and more info.
Make sure to tune in to "Sandwiches Time" with Special Agent Dale Cooper Saturday 10PM-Late on 99.9FM, and check out the new Podcast of the show at
humboldt free radio alliance,
Sandwiches Time
Monday, March 15, 2010
"ALL WE WANT TO DO... IS THRASH! Dale Cooper's Favorite Thrash Albums!!! Part 1

Since HFRA is raiding airwaves once again, i have been driving down the bitter sweet alley, located just this side of the Twilight Zone, aptly titled "Memory Ln." Sweet tunes have always played an important roll in my life. I can remember Mrs. Baldwin's 5th Grade english class, the brunette girl who sat beside me, and how after school I would sit in the sun with my walkman listening to my favorite WEEZER tape, the song Buddy Holly specifically, daydreaming about me and her walking out of class holding hands. We would kiss then part, dramatically pulled apart my our parents' departing cars. That whole latter part in slow motion mind you. I can also vividly remember stealing a FUGAZI tape from by brother, and being addicted to the straight up popiness of Waiting Room and the deep rhythm of Burning. I also remember asking my brother about who sang the song with the lyrics "Those sheets are dirty", thus my introduction to the DESCENDENTS. Its safe to say that my early childhood was steeped nice mixture of Pop and Punk. Early on it was the doo woop 1950's worship of the MISFITS, the melodies of GIVE EM ENOUGH ROPE by the CLASH, which lead to my newer generation pop/punk/fatwreckchords phase. By the time I reached middle school, I would not listen to anything except SCREECHING WEASEL and ALL, two bands who I still listen to constantly. It was really when i saw NOFX at the EL DORADO SALOON in Carmichael that i really made the jump to the new school scene. STRUNG OUT, LAGWAGON, GOOD RIDDANCE, SCREW 32, AND AFI (with WEEZER always in the background) were soon on repeat throughout the misery of high school up to about my junior or senior year. At the time i would hear blast-beats and garbled thrash, muffled by my older brother's closed door, but I would have none of that at the time. It was just hard for me to take seriously, and I needed to hear melody, like i always did before, but i loved the Nofx-style driving drums behind it all also. It was the perfect combo, speed and pop, a delicious caffeinated blend that captivated me for far too long.
Now Enter a 17 year old Dale Cooper, driving to school, listening to DRI for the first time. COUCH SLOUCH did it for me. This is where my love of fast-core started. This was exactly what I wanted to hear, but i didn't even know existed. Hyper-fast drums and super fast riffs, which were essentially simple and poppy, complimented by snotty youthful screaming.
As DRI introduced me to faster punk, PLUTOCRACY was my introduction to the all-out absurdity and brutality of the thrash/grind/hardcore scene. SNIPING PIGZ, actually their 2nd full length "reunion" Lp released in '92, sounded to me like a recording session of Spike and the rest of the gang from GREMLINS and was my first encounter with 625 Thrash.
PLUTOCRACY lead to all the other bands in which drummer/record label owner Max Ward was involved. SPAZZ, WHAT HAPPENS NEXT, STOCKHOLM SYNDROME, CAPITALIST CASUALTIES, and my all time thrash favorite SCHOLASTIC DETH, this time with Max Ward on Vocals. Combining everything I love about music, humor, political/social issues, being a Nerd, SCHOLASTIC DETH still remains on step above all the rest. Super fast, distorted yet still skate punky, youth crew style vocals, HIRAX and HERESY worship, songs about coffee and books?!!!? They released only 3 EPs in their short life, before their drummer quit in order to attend Grad School. SHACKLE ME NOT, REVENGE OF THE NERDS and COFFEE CURES EVERYTHING.
scholastic deth,
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Coffee At The Great Northern Podcast: "Sandwiches Time"!!!

99.9 FM Humboldt Free Radio Alliance is going to sail for destinations unknown starting Wednesday, March 24th, with shows running from Wed-Sun. To celebrate I've decided to start podcasting the radio shows over at I really got inspired by Downbeat, Rex and Mike Manix, all of whom have produced some really sweet shows; All Hail Downbeat the Red Rasta for his long running, and surprisingly highly listened-to podcast in addition to his years on Pirate Radio. Whatta Guy!
On the first few ships i crewed i did the Blue Rose Variety Show, which now, i think is going to be called Sandwiches Time, just to get a breather from all the twin peaks references, and to spice shit up a little bit, make it fresh, new, for the kids, you know? Sandwiches Time will also have much more than just the radio shows, we're hopefully going to have movie and comic reviews by Jaz Brown, video blog review thingies, movies? animation? who knows where this baby will go!
So if you ever find yourself sucked into the vortex of Arcata, Ca, tune into 99.9 fm Wednesday thru Sunday and check out Local Pirate Radio, and listen to Sandwiches Time with Special Agent Dale Cooper : Saturday nights 10PM-Late. With any luck, the podcasts will maintain a regular schedule in addition to the radio shows.
pirate radio,
Sandwiches Time
Sunday, March 7, 2010
HFRA 99.9FM Pirate Radio Has A New Ship!!

Prepare for the glorious, long-awaited return of HFRA 99.9FM to the airwaves of Humboldt County. After one of the longest hiatuses in HFRA history, a cozy studio has been located and a brand-spankin' new ship was built in a day thanks to Downbeat and Tex-Rex. The Pirate flags will be raised and we will finally set sail once again within the month. (How to build your own pirate radio station: coming soon.)
Some have jumped ship while others have been captured and brought aboard and still others hover and lurk amidst the shadows. Here's a partial list of DJs and shows
Charger- "Blast Radius"
Red Rasta- "Reggae Revival" Also visit:
Toby Baker
John From the Legend
Rex Everything
Francios the Usurper, whether he likes it or not!
Special Agent Dale Cooper - "Sandwiches Time"
Skull Shrinker
Plus, in addition to your classic line up, stay tuned for a few rookie DJs and as always, super awesome random special guests! Call in your requests and be put on the Air! Challenge your favorite DJ to a duel or trivia contest with a classy champagne breakfast at Crosswinds on the line! Impress your friends! Fun at Parties!
The Humboldt Free Radio Alliance has been serving the Humboldt Bay Area for over 10 years, surviving stormy seas, sinking ships, crew mutinies, outraged conservatives, an off duty cop who threatened death, two different FCC visits and a fire. Now once again we are ready to party hardy in internationally funkified waters! Within the next three or four weeks, the frequency will be dialed in and we'll see how long we can stay afloat this time. We are operating now out of a vessel which will most likely come to be known as "The Dingy", or "LifeRaftXtremeSupreme", but given the fact that HFRA was effectively dead in the water for a year because we had no ship at all, we'll take what we can get. HFRA needs community support now more than ever. For more info on the station check out
"I think I'm quite ready for another adventure..."
-Bilbo Baggins
99.9 fm,
humboldt free radio alliance,
pirate radio
Friday, March 5, 2010
Coffee @ The Great Northern: TO THE FUTURE AND BEYOND!

Straight from the Myst-y coast of Humboldt California, Welcome to the Great Northern. This blog was created in the hopes that it might be a fun place to waste time, rant, rave, review records, talk about comics, post/review movies, discuss politics as well as the newest Magic decks, repeatedly and disjointedly muse about classic twin peaks moments and generally have an outlet and forum for all things awesome and nerdy. Its a beautiful excuse to drink lots of caffeinated beverages, pop hyper smart pills, and ramble on like we've always wanted.
Here's some things to look forward to :
Dussledorf's homemade recipes and Hip Hop mix!
99.9 FM Humboldt Free Radio Alliance: Return to the Airwaves Blog
Local shows updates
Links to other awesome blogs
His Hero has guns, and lots of 'em. When the Zombie Apocalypse Hits.... with His Hero is Jon! take that Bear Giles!
Dale Cooper sits down and watches a bunch of badass movies and reads a comic or two....just for you!
What you want more?!! More to come soon!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I started getting into comics in my late high school days. It's true that years earlier I liked the Green Lantern and Alien Vs. Predator when i was still much too young to comprehend the cuss words I forced my poor grandmother to read me, and I also remember really liking another one about Bunny Ninjas in space? Can't remember the name of that one but it's burned in my memory simply because it was the first time i ever looked at and had to deal with an illustration of a cute little bunny who hanged herself. And my older brother's copy of Shredders, a black and white collection of shorts about skull faced skateboarders who did what? Shred. But I really only liked Green Lantern because he was green and my short attention span soon focused on the Intellivision for guidance, so all that early comic book magic was lost to the formless haze that seems to make up the next fifteen or so years of my life.
Things seem to clear up when I was about eighteen or nineteen. On a short trip home from my freshman year at college while arguing with a friend that Lord of the Rings had indeed succeeded in becoming our generation's Star Wars, I came across large trade editions of The Hard Goodbye and The Big Fat Kill. Yup. I hate to say it, but Sin City and Frank Miller were responsible for my decent back into the comic abyss. It really wasn't so much the classic noir style story telling or the machismo, but Miller's undeniably badass artwork. The negative space and sharp contrast, the ink splatter and curves of the dancing girls, the outline of Marv drawn by slashes of rain, every panel was dark and amazing and i couldn't wait to pick up the next book.
That was it. I became a proper comic nerd once again. I soon got my grubby little hands on a copy of Transmetropolitan, thus beginning my obsession with all things Warren Ellis: Fell, Desolation Jones, Jack Cross were my introduction to this hyper-productive brilliant British bastard, and though my collection has grown over the years, im still so far behind in the Ellis catalog, that I have just discovered the sweetness of his online comic Freakangels, let alone read his muscle throbbing Nordic hack and slash, Wolfskin, or checked out Global Frequency, or Doktor Who etc. One day... But I must say that it was those twisted tales of Spider Jerusalem and Derrick Robertson's depiction of his future distopia that really made me realize that comics could do things that movies or novels alone could simply not do. There was such a unique mix of color and poetry. Something about the pacing and and overlaying of ideas and images on top of each other, how time and location could be mixed and played with, how the placement of panels or having no panels at all creates different effects. And because TransMet is really Hunter S. Thompson reincarnate, it showed me that these beautifully goofy books could actually be more, they could be intelligent and thought provoking, they could actually say something of substance while simultaneously making me giddily pee my pants.
Now here me, my little Nerdlingers, for nothing could have prepared my soul for what came next. Once again back in hot as balls Sacramento, Jaz gave me the first trade of The Invisibles. The Invisibles changed my life. Written by Scottish anarchist Grant Morrison, we are introduced to Dane, your typical molotov-throwing, authority hating, super smart English rebel, who just wants to blow shit up. Enter the Archons from the Outter Church, ancient alien-gods from the Anti-verse of conformity, who, with the help of the world's elite, seek to usher in a new era of homogeneous sorrow and consume all traces of freedom and humanity. Now enter King Mob, Lord Fanny, Ragged Robin and Boy AKA The Invisibles, a small band of ass kicking psychic revolutionaries who recruit Dane and show him the world for what it really is. A long epic battle between our anti heroes and the ultimate forces of oppression ensues. Will The Archons be defeated before the new Rex Mundi signals the rule of the Outter Chruch? Is Dane the new Buddha? Will Dane and Boy have sex? When will Ragged Robin and King Mob stop having sex? Is it all really just a novel being written in the future by a time traveling witch? Or are we all just freaking out about our transition to a new higher being when 2012 comes along? This is what the Matrix was trying to be, but couldn't come close to. The series was heavily influenced by Morrisons self proclaimed "abduction" by extraterrestrials, who told him much of the story. (that is 100% true). It is quite possibly one of the coolest, smartest, sexiest and inspiring stories i have ever read and you must discover it also my dear reader. It's that important. It made the great Jake Hawkins begin to study meditation, the occult and the art of mental projection. It weaves history with philosophy and theology and ties a knot with time travel and tantric sex. It has some of the most original and progressive characters ever and most importantly it showed me that what Lord Fanny, the most fabulous transvestite bruja from Rio, said is oh so true: "baby, we can do anything we want..."
More to come soon...
grant morrison,
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Ward Churchill Rocks Ukiah Saturday March 13th!
For a short while on Saturday March 13th there is going to be a second reason to go to Ukiah, Ca, besides the enlightening City of Ten Thousand Buddhas!! Native American Activist, Author and former College Professor Ward Churchill is going to be just one of many speakers attending the highly anticipated Cultural Genocide Conference which is being held at Mendocino College. Churchill is speaking in part to fund his continuing legal battles, and also to discuss the impacts of the Marine Life Protection Act which many North Coast tribes believe violates their tribal sovereignty. The Conference is scheduled to start at 9am.
Here's the report from Indybay
I would say this is pretty much a must-see for all of us here on the North Coast. Its rare that we even get a quality movie to play locally let alone get to see such an accomplished and outspoken political activist speaking directly about a local issue. Go! Go! Go!
Here's the report from Indybay
I would say this is pretty much a must-see for all of us here on the North Coast. Its rare that we even get a quality movie to play locally let alone get to see such an accomplished and outspoken political activist speaking directly about a local issue. Go! Go! Go!
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